9 Things only boys who are absolutely close to their fathers will understand


It is very common that boys are close to their mothers and girls to their fathers. Kani there are many sons who consider their dads as best friends. Ilanti vaallaki koncham different and absolutely wonderful memories untay.

Such boys definite ga veetiki agree chestharu.

1. School or college lo edaina godava aithe.. dad manaki support chestharu. support ante ochi kotte type kakunda situations motham normal ki techestharu without causing us any kind of problem.1. School or college lo edaina godava aithe
2. We learn how important it is to earn and save money.2. We learn how important learn
3. Manaki unna interests and passions ni ardham cheskoni they support and help us follow our dreams.3.Manaki unna interests and passions
4. Our first drink is with our dads. (vaallaki kuda alavaatu unte manatho paatu glass patkuntaru lekapothe juice taagutharu… kani full ga enjoy chestharu)4. Our first drink is with our dads
5. Mana friends andarki mana house is the best outing place. Intiki vocchi manatho kante ekkuva mana father tho untaru.5. Mana friends andarki mana house
6. Movie first day eh show aina parledu… daddy ni teeskellalsinde6. Movie first day eh show aina parleduÖ
7. College lo friends tho bunk kottina…edaina ilanti chilipi panul chesina.. mana father ki telsu so nothing to worry principal call chesthe.7. College lo friends tho bunk kottinaÖedaina
8. Friendship day, Valentine’s Day and fathers day. Eh day aina kuda manam full ga daddy tho enjoy cheyyali.8.Friendship day, Valentineís Day and fathers day
9. If we face any hardtimes mana life lo, our fathers’ shoulder is the best remedy.9. If we face any hardtimes mana life