Break A Leg! – A Catalyst Between You And The Actor In You

Theatre – to many of us, is still something that belongs to the elite category. While the irony is, theatre is still striving for existence due to lack of financial support. As a society we are used to watching more of cinema and television. For many, theatre is a boring act, even before we realise what the play is about. It is not any particular individual’s fault. The experience of theatre itself was never given to us. The profession even till now struggles to be chosen as a career option. The needed awareness was never provided.

However, things have changed over the past few years. Yes! Thanks to some theatre groups in the city. In the last few years, Hyderabad has been witnessing some of the best performances. The word of mouth has proven its strength. Theatre groups in the city have grown in number and are now actively doing regular shows around the city.

All is good! What’s the ‘drawback’?

A major flaw with theatre is it lacks a library, a library of reliable content and references for aspiring theatre artists. On one side, you have the theatre groups and well known artists. But, on the other side, how does one get there?

If you take a closer look, most of the professions have content and references readily available. With the available information, one can even learn a guitar online. It’s not the same with theatre. While one may have the zeal to become a theatre artist, but there is a dearth for information or inspiration from his idols which he/she would love to refer to.

Solution: Need a Catalyst to bridge the gap.

Here is your catalyst. Break A Leg!

10440845_643162369100082_3499660003770994491_nBreak A Leg, is not just about wishing you good luck, it is an initiative started by a group of passionate theatre artists in our very own Hyderabad. It aims at bringing theatre closer to you. Ankit Bakshi, the founder, looks to amplify the knowledge existing about theatre and make it available for anyone and everyone interested in theatre alike. In this way he believes that theatre can reach many people and ignite interest in them.

Break A Leg! – It aims to do everything that is THEATRE. It believes theatre needs recognition and it deserves its due importance. By forming this community, it aims to provide an online platform to promote theatre artists in every means. This way it will help them reach larger number of people and automatically the love for theatre will spread.

Green Room Diaries

Recap-GreenRoomDiaries-NanditaDasThe first initiative of Break A Leg is the ‘Green Room Diaries’. This brings out the voices of well known theatre artists giving you some productive insights from their works. On a long run, it aims to be an archive and help in consuming theatre sitting at home. Unlike the cinema world, theatre artists are seen only when they get on the stage. They do need recognition and Break A Leg! looks to recognise all the eminent personalities whom we barely know by names.

It’s a volunteer driven initiative with passionate and enthusiastic people who love nothing but theatre. Break A Leg! is also a perfect catalyst between you and your idols in theatre. Apart from this, it also looks to bring the theatre culture from different cities under one roof by providing collaborations and associations.

So, people looking for a career in theatre, the smart world is getting everything ready for you. Don’t give it a second thought. Go for it!

Here we leave you with an exclusive video from the Green Room Diaries with Nandita Das. Happy Weekend!

For Theatre. Of Theatre. By Theatre

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