Have an old laptop? It could change someone’s life

In an age where technology takes giant leaps every few years, electronic gadgets tend to become obsolete in a few years.

We all have that one electronic device lying around like a vegetable in the house because it’s not up to date. But while we are picky about a new update and a slick new feature, there are lots of people who are in need of bare essentials. It is estimated that annually, 110 million tons of useful computer hardware is wasted in the US alone.

An organization – Globetops – aims to fill this disparity in a small way by connecting people with those who are badly in need of technology. With networks across the world, Globetops has an arm in India too, dealing with organizations working with Primary Education, Self Help Groups, and small scale entrepreneurship.

So if you have a laptop lying around, and can’t find a reason for it, don’t sell it online for a meager price. Instead, donate it to Globetops, help light up someone’s life. Not only will the organization revamp and clean up your system, it will train and orient the user on how they could make the maximum benefit from it. The organization also connects the donor and the beneficiary and helps them to speak to each other, and track how your laptop is being put to wonderful uses.

So go ahead, take out that old laptop, and send it to these guys!

Your old laptop could change someone’s life!


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