12 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy


Manam chaala different types food cheskuntam. With a lot of food chains open, mana food habits maarutunnay. And we sometimes cannot ignore eating outside due to certain obligations. Instead, we can have a healthier lifestyle when living on our terms and compromise with the unhealthy food that we have sometimes.

Here are a few food swaps we can make when our food is in our hands.

1. Switch paneer with tofu.1 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
2. Replace milk with skim milk.2 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
3. Swap white rice or basmati with brown rice.3 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
4. Swap icecream for yogurt.4 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
5. Swap fried food with baked food.5 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
6. Have more fresh fruit juices instead of canned juices.6 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
7. Have dry fruits or buttermilk to crave instant food crave.7 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
8. Have some sweet potato or honey dishes instead of sweets.8 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
9. Replace milk or white chocolate with dark chocolate.9 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
10. Have some grapes, pomegranate, berries or watermelon when you wish to have some sweet dishes.10 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
11. Replace white bread with wheat bread.11 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy
12. Instead of soft drinks, have lemon water.12 Simple food swaps to make your lifestyle healthy