6 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now.


Foods lo fattiness teeskoni raavadam ane aalochana tho people are incorporating various ingredients to attract customers. Alanti process lo we are getting prone to a lot of cancer causing foods. Here are a few of them that we might be happy avoiding.

1. Packed Potato Chips – indulo fat and calories eh kakunda cancer causing acrylamide – a known carcinogen that is also found in cigarettes high levels lo undi.1 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now

2. Microwaved Pop Corn – indulo vichitranga the bag that is used to store the popcorn has a chemical lining that is harmful.2 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now

3. Maida – they have high glycemic rate which may lead to increase in blood sugar level and insulin levels. Edi increase aina cancer ku daari teestundi.3 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now

4. Sodas (Soft drinks) – indulo high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a host of other chemicals untay. So mee manchi kosam cheptunnam, maaneyyandi.4 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now

5. Refined Sugar – cancer ki idi ante chaaala ishtam. Idi ekva unte mee bodies lo, it will automatically come and hug you off.5 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now

6. Artificial Sweeteners – Aspartame found in artificial sweeteners has been known to cause convulsions, cataracts and gastro paresis. We aren’t medical students to understand these terms, but we should be understanding that ivi tinodhu anthe.6 Cancer causing foods you should stop eating right now