6 Vegetable And Fruit Scraps Which You Should Never Throw Away

Usual ga manam cooking chese mundhu vegetables leda fruits ni pre cutting cheskoni , vegetable inka fruit scraps ni dispose chesina tharvatha cooking start chestham. Kanni konni scarps or waste manaki uupoyoga paduthai. Chetha inka waste manaki ye useful ani anukuntunara ? Aythey ee article thapakunda chudali.

1.Banana Peel:Vegetable And Fruit ScrapsBanana peel waste ani manam dhani ni dustbin lo parestham kanni banana peel mana body lo “ Happiness Hormone” ni boost chestundi. Ee peel lo unna tryptophan mood ni inka nerve impluse ni regulate chesthundi.

2.Watermelon rind and seeds: Vegetable And Fruit Scrapswatermelon rind inka seeds lo amino acid ‘citrulline’, vitamin C inka B6 untai, ee poshakalu blood flow, heart health ni improve chesi, immunity ni boost chesthundi.

3.Citrus peel: Vegetable And Fruit ScrapsCitrus peel lo fibre, vitamin C, B6, calcium, iron, inka magnesium undadam valla mana dish taste ni enchance chesi body immunity ni penchuthundi.

4.Pineapple core: Vegetable And Fruit Scrapspineapple core lo unna bromelain lo anti-inflammatory properties undadam valla nasal inka sinus inflammation ni thagisthundi. Ee core ni salads dip, curries lo puree laga use cheskovachu.

5.Onion Skin: Vegetable And Fruit ScrapsOnion skin lo high amount of ‘quercetin’ untundi, eedi inflammation tho fight chesi inka blood pressure ni thagisthundi.

6.Kiwi skin:Vegetable And Fruit Scraps Kiwi skin lo unna fiber inka citrus mana health ki chala manchidi.

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