7 Foods every mother of an infant must have


Mother ayyetappudu every woman’s body goes through so many changes in life. Mother ayye time lo or avvakamundu, thany physical ga, mental ga and emotional ga chaala changes osthay. Hence, to get back to your normal self, a lot of care has to be taken. Here are those foods that every newbie mother must consume.
1. Their protein requirement becomes 74 gms of protein every day.1 Foods every mother of an infant must have

2. Eggs, nuts, diary, rice, wheat and other such foods must be consumed.2 Foods every mother of an infant must have

3. Calcium needs increase extensively. Hence, Ragi and other leafy veggies ni chaala consume cheyyali.3 Foods every mother of an infant must have

4. Their calorie requirement increases due to feeding the child.4 Foods every mother of an infant must have

5. High fiber foods ni pakka ga tinali.5 Foods every mother of an infant must have

6. Vegetables and fruits ni baaga tinali. They provide high fiber to their bodies.6 Foods every mother of an infant must have

7. Ghee should be taken in small amounts.7 Foods every mother of an infant must have