7 Foods To Keep You Warm And Cozy This Winter

Winter is finally here, the season to sit back and roll ourselves in the warm and cozy blankets, but did you know that the food you eat can affect your body’s temperature, food can regulate and maintain the temperature of your body and make you feel warm, and it is essential that you keep yourself warm, especially in this blistering cold. We’ve made a list of some of the foods which will keep your body nice and warm.

Let’s get started with the list then:-


1Bananas are rich in vitamin B and magnesium, which are important for your thyroid and adrenal glands to function properly. The function of these glands is to regulate body temperature, thus keeping you warm in the process. Bananas can also have a number of other health benefits like boosting your memory.

Ginger Tea

Ginger TeaNothing is better than sipping hot tea in cold weather, Ginger tea is the perfect drink, as ginger is known to be good for digestive health. It’s also a diaphoretic, which means it will help your body warm from the inside out.


OatsEating oats is a great way to keep yourself warm in the cold winter mornings, Oats are some of the healthiest meals that you will eat; they contain whole grains and fiber. Fiber is great to improve your cholesterol and make you feel full.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet PotatoEating sweet potatoes is a great way to keep yourself warm because it is a root vegetable and root vegetables need more energy to move through the digestion process, which raises your body temperature.

Drink Water

Drink WaterDrinking water is a great way to keep yourself warm. Water keeps your body functioning and helps to regulate your internal temperature. Dehydration can lead to your core temperature to drop, which may lead to hypothermia. People tend to drink less water when it’s cold outside because they don’t feel as thirsty. So by keeping yourself hydrated, you can prevent this problem.


HoneyOne of the oldest and most common methods to keep your body warm is honey. It is easy to digest, and its regular intake helps in keeping the body warm.

Dry Fruits

Dry FRuitsEating dry fruits Is a great way to keep yourself warm, you can add them to your daily salads, milk or eat them raw. Dry fruits including almonds, dates, and walnuts are good in generating heat in the body.

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