Haleem, biryani and Dosa…ee three dishes kakunda kuda Hyderabad lo there are many many kinds of food to crave for. Not just meals or heavy dishes, snacks kuda untay that are mouth watering. Go to a proper street side place to have some chai in the city. You will see a lot of people having tea or milk or coffee with osmania biscuits. A lot of people ask for this. And idi particular days ani kaadu..any day anytime and particularly tea time lo matram ee biscuits and chai is always seen consumed.
These biscuits have a very unique taste and is just so tempting. They are purchased to eat, to share and also to gift. Edaina bakery lo ee cookies undakunda undadu. Notlo eskogaane, it just melts away! Intlo relatives ochina kuda tea tho paatu idi kuda istharu. It is sweet and salty at the same time.
There are many stories behind the origin of these biscuits.
Some say that, the biscuit is named after Mir Osman Ali Khan, the seventh Nizam and the last ruler of Hyderabad state. He used to love the biscuits made at a popular restaurant in the Abids and the owners of the restaurant named it as Osmania biscuit.
While some others believe that, these biscuits were named Osmania as they were first made in Osmania Hospital, which was established by Osman Ali Khan in 1910. A group of dieticians at the hospital are known to have created them first as energy boosters for patients. Soon, they became popular due to the distinct taste and bakeries and hotels started making them.
Subhan Bakery, Nimrah, Karachi Bakery, Nilofer Bakery and Bahar Hotels are some of the most popular places for Osmania biscuits.