Here Are 7 Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots


Winter season anaganey vegetable inka fruit markets lo chala rakala fresh vegetables, fruits osthai. Winter season lo yekuva ga undey production crop carrots. Carrots antey manaki frist guruthu ochedi gajar ka halwa , crunchy juicy carrots. Carrots lo beta-carotene ani natural pigment untundi. Raw carrots roju tintey Chala benefits untai, constipation problems, body health ni maintain chesthundi , heart diseases rakunda kapaduthundi. Carrots lo potassium yekuvaga undadam valla cholesterol inka water retention levels ni thakuva chesthundi. Meekosam amazing health benefits.carrot1.Weight losscarrot2.Boosts eye health carrot


3.Helps in digestion carrot4.Fights cholesterol and boosts heart health carrot5.Boosts skin health carrot6.Lowers Blood Pressure carrot7.Boosts immunity 7 Amazing health benefits of carrots