See How These Americans Reacted To Our Custom Of Pellichoopulu And What They Realized At The End


There was a time when every girl had to go through the custom of Pellichoopulu. And it was looked at as if it was a program to surrender themselves to their would-be in-laws and act according to the whims. Though we boast of about the rich culture of our country, there have been a few flaws, especially regards to where a girl had to choose her man. See, how an American couple reacted when an Indian couple narrated them about their custom of Pellichoopulu. 

But, things are not the same now!! Things have changed and gotten far better. The youngsters are giving more importance to career, goals, ambitions than just getting engaged for the rest of your life, in an artificially arranged meeting of elders. Yes, we are sure, Pellichoopulu will strike to your minds. See, how this was conveyed even to the American couple with help of the Pellichoopulu team. The movie is releasing on 29th July and do go and watch it the nearest theatres to experience something honest about your daily lives. The film has been directed by Tharun Bhascker, produced by Raj Kandukuri and Yash Rangineni.