Mana intlo or mana chuttu vaalla intlo we might’ve observed that husbands and their wives are separated in the telugu month of Aashadam. This month is considered inauspicious mana mythology lo. This month lo gruhaprasham, weddings, any new business ventures are not performed. Aashada Masam is also called as Shunya Masam.
In many southern states where chaala mandi follow Hinduism, ee month lo Daughter in law and mother in law are not allowed to stay in the same house and hence daughter in law ni vaalla hometown ki pamputharu. Ee month lo ladies and girls also apply mehendi to their hands and feet. Deeniki reasons are that weddings only few months lo jarguthayi and it usually happens in the month of May or June.
So there is higher chance for the bride to get pregnant during the same time. This calls for a delivery time during summers. Hence to let the woman take rest, she is sent to her hometown.
They apply mehendi to their hands and feet to let themselves get cooled down and also to get rid of climatic effects that occur during this time.