15 Things You Can Do During Christmas


1. Spend time with your family at home on Christmas eve1-spend-time
2. Listen to carols and sing them loud 2-listen-to-carols
3. Christmas feast with your family3-christmas-feast-with-your-family
4. Give gifts to your loved ones 4- 5452dbde49
5. Walk around the streets and enjoy the Christmas lights5-christmas-lights
6. Watch movies 6-watch-movies
7. Meetyour relatives, friends and share sweets with them 7-meet-your-relatives
8. Eating all the delicious food on Christmas eve like cookies, candy, chips etc.8-eating-all
9. Decorate the house and Christmas tree with all lights and other items9-decorate-the-house
10. Open a new pair of PJ’s on Christmas eve and go to bed in them10-open-a-new-pair
11. Help people who have no home and who don’t have a family by giving gifts to them because Christmas is all about spreading happiness11-pelli
12. Shopping 12-shopping
13. Going to bed early on a Christmas eve and wake up early and everyone else in the house13-going-to-bed-early-on-a-christmas
14. Go to the church on Christmas day14-go-to-the-church-on-christmas-day
15. Play fun games.15-play-fun-games