9 Games we all loved playing in our childhood


Childhood was so much fun! We never realized it, but it was probably the most entertaining phase in our lives. Even the girlfriend issues were as petty as a friend pushing you in front when the ‘girl’ passes by. There was so much fun in the air we breathed. And do you guys remember the games we used to play, they might not be seen all that great now, but they definitely had their piece of fun.

You all would be remembering those games, here just spend some time recollecting those games and of course your friends. Give them a call in case you feel like sharing your memories. Call chei bhai, Happy ga feel avtharu!!

Note: Cricket, Football, volleyball etc do not fall in this category. They are of a different league altogether.

Donga – Policechildhood

We had some joy in being the thief always.

Hide & Seekchildhood

Our parents might be amidst a serious discussion and we come running trying to hide under cot or behind the cupboard and then one of the relative shouts ‘rey.. baitikelli aadukondi!!’

Goli Aatachildhood

You have multiple games in this. I still don’t remember which of them I used to play but I used to play because I always used to buy the Golis. So, they let me play.

Business childhood

As kids we could buy Agra, Delhi. Awesome right!!


This was for the tough kids in school and colony. Most of our bruises used to happen during this game itself.


One kick-ass of an invention this is. You’ve gotta be alert, smart and quick. Hit and run!!


This game had even champions, and not getting out for long time, you will hailed in the class for quite some time.

Gilli Danda8 - gilli danda

Horse Riding9 - horse riding ( Some of us used to have wodden horse at home and we were riding on it daily. mom used to feed us while we were enjoying the ride)

Horseriding Some of us used to have a wooden horse at home and we were riding on it daily. mom used to feed us while we were enjoying the ride.

The best part of this was measuring the distance, but if you hit the gilli somewhere nearby, you are out!! You might have to wait for a long time to get your turn because there will always be that one guy who will whack the gilli out of the park. Yeah, that guy who smashes sixers in your cricket match too.

We did miss out on a few more games, but that is for you guys to recollect and mention them in the comments section below. So, go ahead!!

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