Home Buzz Who Unfriended You? There’s An App for it!

Who Unfriended You? There’s An App for it!


We’ve all been there – our Facebook friends list has suddenly dropped by one and, damn it, we want answers as to why someone has had the audacity to delete us, or Unfriend us, from their social media lives. After all, we’re hilarious!

For years, Mark Zuckerberg and his team have refused to let us know who’s unfriended us on Facebook, probably so we don’t clog up people’s News Feed with an awful rant about why we thought we had something special with Dave in Cheshire who we met at a party that one time, typing furiously as we down a bottle of wine and cry.

But all that’s about to change, as a new app has been released which is designed to give you the bad news. A new mobile app has been launched to allow people know who “unfriended” them on the popular social networking website Facebook since their last login, a media report said.The app – entitled Who Deleted Me – takes stock of a user’s current friends list, but cannot provide backdated information.

The app tells users how many and which friends are missing or deactivated since their last Facebook login.

When you first login, the app takes stock of your current friends list and every time you return it compares the latest version to the saved one. It then informs you who your missing friends are and whether they have deactivated their account, or simply deleted you.It also enables you to keep track of who you have deleted.

Sadly The App is not yet available in India. Don’t worry though, You can still have access to install FireFox or Chrome Extension for it.

Try It Here Then : Who Deleted Me

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