Home Buzz 5 Kinds Of Boyfriends Most Women Have Definitely Had In Their Life!!

5 Kinds Of Boyfriends Most Women Have Definitely Had In Their Life!!


You have to kiss many frogs to get to your Prince. In a lifetime a girl may date a range of frogs before settling with her Prince Charming. We list five types of boyfriends a girl will in all probability date in her life:

1. The Insecure Boyfriend:

This boyfriend is the jealous one. He, in most cases, believes you are way out of his league and hence is insecure of losing you.
He never leaves your side in a party. Always overhearing your conversations.

2. The “I don’t know what I am doing with my life” Boyfriend:

Some boys never grow up. A few lack direction in their careers even in their late 20s.
When you ask your boyfriend about his career plans, his reply is as absurd as his current career state.

3. The Mommas boy Boyfriend:

Don’t we love it when our brothers listen to our mothers. But if our boyfriend does the same, we’d have to let him go.
When you make a dinner plan with him, he puts you on hold to take his mothers opinion.
He cannot stop talking about his mothers qualities on your first date!

4. The Chick Magnet Boyfriend:

Sometimes you land a boyfriend who is way out of your league. He instantly becomes a hit among your friend circle and has girls surrounding him like bees on honey.
All the girls in your group give you hints of how much they like him.

5. The Sane Boyfriend:

Eventually you will find a guy who makes complete sense. He even manages to talk sense into the stubborn you.
Butterflies in your tummy and stars in your eyes will guide you to this guy.

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