Home Food 7 Protein Rich Foods For You, If You’re A Vegetarian

7 Protein Rich Foods For You, If You’re A Vegetarian


Food…main importance of food enti ante mana body ki kavalasina vitamins and proteins ni andinchi manalni healthy ga unchadam. Non-veg food lo aite mari yekkuva ga untai ee vitamins, minerals and fats. Fruits and vegetables lo dorakani enno vitamins & Minerals ee non veg lo untai. … mari non veg tinani valla sangati enti… variki ivvani ela anduthai ae foods teesukunte body ki saripoyevi anni labistayi anukuntara? Aite randi ee article chavandi… me diet lo ivi teesukuntunaro ledo check chesukondi. Lekapote include chesukondi. First ayite chudandi mari.


  1. Edamame (Chikkudu kaylu)

Untitled design (30)Manaku baga telisina vegetable, chala mandi istam ga kuda tintaru. Aite vegetarians ki takkuva lo dorike best protein food aite ide. Oka cup edamame lo unde vitamins half of an average chicken breast ki equal ga unati annamata. So, vegetarians ki full proteins iche food idi.

  1. Lentils

High amount of proteins unde foods lo lentils kuda okati. Oka cup lentils lo 18gms of proteins untai. Indulo mana body ki kavalsina Iron, potassium, Minerals anevi large amount lo undadam valla body ki chala manchi chestai. Veetini curries la kakuna direct ga boil chesi teesukunte inka yekkuva use untundi.

  1. Paneer

Non vegetarians ki chicken elago vegetarians ki idi ala annamata. Milk tho cheysey ee panner ki health benefits yekkuve unnai. idi Bones and Teeth ni strengthen chestundi. indulo fiber, potassium, minerals untai. Salads, gravies, curries roopam lo deenni teesukovachu.

  1. Mushrooms

Meat ki replacement mushrooms. Mushrooms ni chala mandi vegetarians avoid chestaru gani idi chala healthy. Indulo minerals and proteins high amount lo untai. Curries la gani, boil chesi pepper sprinkle chesukuni gani, mushroom Biryani la gani teesukovachu.

  1. Egg Plant (Brinjal)

Vegetarians ki first gurthochey vegetable Eggpalnt ae. Idi manchidi kadu ani cheptaru kani yeekuva ga kakunda weekly twice ala teesukunte chala manchi chestundi. indulo present ayyi unna antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and magnesium mana body ki beneficial ga work ayyii manalni healthy ga unchutai.

  1. Jack Fruit (Panasa kaya)

Jack fruit, chala tasty ga untundi, dinni raw ga inka pandina tarwata kuda tintaru. Raw jack fruit ni chinna pieces ga chesukuni curry prepare chesukuntaru. Dinni cook chesukunte meat taste la untundi antaru. Indulo unna lots of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants immune system ni boost chestai. Mainly monsoonlo aite manaki kavalsina strength ni ichi laziness ni taggistundi.

  1. Nuts & Dry Fruits

Nuts… cashew, chestnuts, Almonds, dates ilantivi teesukovadam dwara mana body ni chala healthy ga fit ga unchitayi. Hair ki, skin ke Kaunda respiratory issues and heart disorders, constipation nundi relief ni istai. Daily 30gms of nuts and dry fruit mixture ni tesukunte healthy ga undachu. Weight loss ki manchi aid la use avtundi.

So, friends ivvandi vegetarians ki protein takkuva kakunda Non-veg ki equal ga tesukogaligina foods. Miru kuda me diet lo include chesukuni healthy life ni lead cheyyandi.

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