Home Food Maha Shivratri Fasting Rules: What To Eat During The Fast

Maha Shivratri Fasting Rules: What To Eat During The Fast


MahaShivaratri is celebrated all over India with great pompous and devotees are forever delighted to venerate Lord Shiva. An important aspect of this festival is the ShivaratriVrat or Shivaraatri Fast. Usually, during festivals, devotees break their fast after the puja is performed. But on Shivaratri, the fast takes place throughout the day and night.

There is no other fast like the Shivaratri fast. It is unique and has its significance. Fasting detoxifies and purifies your body and mind. Your body feels relaxed and is at peace and this makes it prepared for prayer and meditation. And, all this is the central point of MahaShivaratri celebrations.
Now, that you know about the festival and the fast, we will take you through about what to eat during your vrat or fast.

Simples rules to follow during the Shivaratri fast:

The fasting begins in the morning and continues till the next morning. Some devotees follow a very strict diet by avoiding liquids and food throughout the day. But, this is not necessary. You can avoid certain foods and still follow the vrat. The foods that you should avoid are pulses, rice, wheat and salt.

Foods to eat during the fast:


Great for strength and high in calcium, this recipe is great to boost your energy levels when on a fast.

Fasting Rules For Maha Shivaratri VratGreen Gram:

Green gram or Pesalu are packed with healthy nutrients and helps to keep your blood pressure in check.

Pachi Pulusu :

Uncooked Pulusu is what you can call this. It is an amazing blend of flavors and spices. Ensure that you use rock salt and not table salt. Also, use pepper and not red chilli powder.

Fruits/Fruit salad:

Fruits have several essential nutrients which are required to help the body function during a fast. Also, try eating fruits that have more water content to keep you hydrated.


Who does not love kheer? It adds a celebration to any festival. Kheer has a cooling effect and also regulates metabolism and gives you subtle energy.

Apart, from these foods, you can also have milk, chakravelli and alookhichdi!

Happy Maha Shivaratri and Happy fasting!


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