Home Buzz Stunning 19th Century Images of India Now Out For Public Viewing

Stunning 19th Century Images of India Now Out For Public Viewing


A total of 177 images of India during the 18th and 19th century have been made for public viewing by the New York Public Library. Looking at the amazing pics of peasants, goldsmiths, bridal processions, municipal committees of those times simply throws you back into time those times.

Here are some of those images for you to have a look.

Bhali sooltans, mostly mahomedans, Oude.
Bhali sooltans, mostly mahomedans, Oude.
Bheels of the Vindhyan Range, Malwah, Central India.
Mirasees, Mahomedan minstrels, Moradabad.
Famine stricken group, Delhi.
Members of the Bareilly Municipal Committee, Bareilly.
Lepcha peasants, aboriginal, Sikhim.
Bhuddhiks, Hindoo peasants, Shajehanpore.
Moghuls, Mussulmans,of Royal family of Delhi, Delhi.
Goorung group, military tribe, Nipal.
Korewah group, aboriginal, Chota Nagpoor. [Men carrying bows and arrows]
Sonar, goldsmith, Hindoo, Delhi.
Rajpoot, Hindoo, Bareilly.
Lama, Buddhist priest, Saharunpoor.
The bridal procession.
Oraon Cole female, aboriginal, Chota Nagpoor.

If you want to take a look at more images, go here

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