5 DIY Ideas To Decorate Your Mirror


Mana daily life lo mirror chala essential thing. Inka chepalante, manam evartonu cheppukoleni chala vishayalu mana mirror to share cheskuntam. It is just like our friend annamata. So alanti mirror ni normal ga vadileyadam kantey, to add more beauty to it, we are presenting some creative ideas to transform your mirror.

Mirror Frame Using Ropes1Mirror

Why don’t use the rope, that left unused at your home as a decorative item? Trust us, it will add some texture to your mirror.

Mirro Frame Using Pin Clothes2Mirror

Yes! You can use pin clothes to decorate your mirror and they will simply look amazing! Probably the easiest way to transform your mirror, you will only need to color your pins as you want and hold them along the mirror.

Mirro Frame Using Plastic Spoons3Mirror

It is one of the easiest methods to decorate your mirror.

Mirro Frame Using Natural Materials4Mirror

You can use natural materials like wood, seashells, seeds, sand and even stones. They look amazing as a mirror frame and add more beauty to your place.

Mirro Frame Using Toys5Mirror

Use toys like animals, cars and much more to decorate mirror for your kids.