7 Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go.


Bananas are one of those tasty and healthy fruits. It is a favorite or many and many. Bananas can be eaten in many forms. Here are a few ones you can make in no time.

1. Eat Raw and stay happy.1.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go

2. Banana Smoothie

1 Banana + 1Apple + 1/2 Cup Strawberries and 1/2 Cup Blueberries + Milk.2.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go

3. Banana and Chocolate Smoothie

1 Banana + Yogurt(optional) + 1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder + few Almonds + Milk3.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go
4. Banana Oatmeal

Mix Banana + Walnuts + Honey + Oats in a microwave safe bowl and cook it on a high for 2 minutes. Stir it and Eat. Mix in some milk if necessary.4.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go

5. Banana French Toast

Beat Eggs in a microwave mug + Milk + Cinammon + Honey + Banana + big pieces of bread Microwave the mixture for 2 minutes and relish it.5.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go

6. Banana mug cake

¼ cup ripe mashed banana + 1 tablespoons maple syrup + 1 tablespoon oil + 3 tablespoon oat flour or maida + ¼ tsp baking powder + pinch of salt + pinch of cinnamon powder Microwave the above mixture for a maximum of 1 minute and enjoy the delicious mug cake.6.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go

7. Banana nut oatmeal

Combine Oats and water or milk. Microwave it for 3 minutes. Top it with banana, walnuts and honey or cinnamon.7.Healthy and Easy Banana Dishes you can prepare in a go