While trying to recollect and gather the accomplishments of women worldwide, we are forgetting the most important person in our lives. She is an epitome of love, godliness and nurture. She is the person whose voice wakes us up every morning and who face puts us to sleep peacefully every night. She is the person whose sacrifice is left uncalled and whose work is left unnamed. She is no one else, but your mother.
On women’s day we often neglect the most beautiful and a hardworking person we see in our lives, our mother. She cares for your health and well-being. She calls you at the right time when you are in need of someone to talk, she reads your mind and becomes the shoulder you need, and she gets brave and becomes the motivation you expect. There are mothers who are successful at various fields and also at taking utter care of their families and there are also mothers who are at home and waiting for their family to be home and happy every moment.
What does your father do? We have so many answers, so many professions that they are a part of. They are extremely hardworking and equally recognized. We are proud of all the daddys in the world for doing everything that their family needs and wants without a question.
What does your mother do? We look around and answer, house-wife. This answer is told with not much respect for her work and it is not even considered ‘work’. She is an unpaid professional who spends all her time working. She wakes up before all of you and sleeps after you have had a happy day. She is the one you look for once you are home. She dressed us, taught us, fought for us, cried for us, held us, strengthened us, kissed us and nevertheless loved us unconditionally without rules and boundaries. No matter what your age is, she is always someone you need. She is a companion and a best friend. She is an amazing chef and is the best to decorate the home. She is the only person with whom you never cried as a baby. She is the real architect of all our lives. She is the person who does the work of twenty; for free. Yet, we leave her unrecognized.
We should be doing every single day, what we are doing today, to our mothers. Do not wait for women’s day or mother’s day or her birthday to tell her how much you love her. Tell her to respect, live and love her life as much as she respects, loves and lives her life for us. Tell her that she doesn’t need us but we need her. Tell her that you wouldn’t complain on anything about her. Tell her that you wouldn’t complain if the food turns cold when she is not home. Tell her to teach you the beauty of creating a house so that you could become a creative person like her.
Happy Women’s Day to all the strong mothers in the world.