Home Buzz These Famous Personalities Fought Depression And Changed The World About Them..!!

These Famous Personalities Fought Depression And Changed The World About Them..!!


By Apeksha Tickoo

They dealt with depression

She does not want to step out of her room. He avoids meeting anyone. Her soul is crying out loud for help but nobody really seems to listen. He is failing drastically at whatever he is doing because he just cannot concentrate. Her plump frame has turned bony and weak. He eats everything he gets a hold of. She does not do anything the whole day, yet feels tired and restless. He cries himself to sleep every night. She never wants to wake up from sleep.

There are thousands of ‘he’ and ‘she’ around us. People who may seem absolutely normal but are fighting depression with whatever is left of them.  If statistics are to be believed, one in 10 people who read this article are dealing with the same. This article is for all those brave beings who are at a war with themselves, you are not alone!

Is there really a way you can beat this demon? A demon who takes away all your happiness and energy and leaves you with a void. (Much like dementors of the muggle life!) Yes there is. And the only way is, YOU. You are the only magic who can save yourself from the clutches of this beast.

Don’t believe us? Here are some people you know very well (AND LOVE!) who saved themselves and went on to become the hero of their lives.


Abraham_Lincoln_head_on_shoulders_photo_portraitThe 16th president of The United States, abolished slavery, marshalled United States when it was in absolute crisis during the Civil war and WON HIS WAR WITH DEPRESSION TWICE! (At the age of 26 and 31)  His biography mentions his suicidal statements one of which is, ‘I am now the most miserable man living’! (That is exactly how every depressed person feels)

He used humor as a cure to depression and told jokes and funny stories as a means to connect with people and survive the battle within. “If it were not for these stories—jokes—jests I should die; they give vent—are the vents of my moods and gloom.” His strong will led him out of melancholy and showed him the path to lead a whole country!


One of the most renowned poet of all time and father of legendary Amitabh Bachchan, Harivansh Rai Bachchan was depression struck with the demise of his first wife Shyama in 1936.  After fighting his battle with depression he married Teji Bachchan in 1941.

He has written a lot of poems relating to inspiration, originality, endurance and motivation. These might help you emerge as a stronger person! Have a look!


Heartthrob of millions of girls worldwide, our very own Iron Man has had his share of bad days.  We all are very well aware of his addiction to drugs which brought along bizarre behavior, probation violence and deeds that he is not proud of. But not only did he fight with his addiction but also tackled depression and emerged as a real hero. One of the dialogues from his movie best suits here, “You know, It’s times like these when I realize what a superhero I am.”

(Let us let you in to a secret, We all are superheroes, without capes!)


Isn’t she our goddess of beauty, elegance and perfection! Not only did she fight her battle with depression but appeared on a news channel to talk about it to raise awareness about depression. Here is an interview which depicts every aspect of her struggle. (Pretty much everyone’s struggle)




We all know her by the name of “SUPERWOMAN”. Oh yes you got it! Unicorn Island, One love and unity, she is all about positivity, laughter and love. And if you do not know what I am talking about, its high  time for you get to know her! Lily Singh, an Indian origin Canadian youtube personality has taken the world of youtube by storm and was ranked 8th on the Forbes list of World’s Highest Paid YouTube Stars, earning a reported $3 million in 2015. That’s right, earning $3 million who at some point didn’t find any reason to live. Here is her story! (Oh but later do check out her other videos! They’ll leave you in splits!)

SO YOU. Yes, You. What you’re going through is absolutely fine. Fight this demon with every bit of your heart, mind and soul! Try everything you can but do not give up! Who knows one day you end up being the next YouTube sensation, Bollywood queen or a Marvel Superhero!

All the best, you brave-hearts! 

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