Google Maps are best at its navigation system with in very short period it took a part in our daily life like searching some locations on Google maps to travelling with the worlds best navigator.
India is the only largest country with two-wheelers around 48,000 vehicles are going on sale everyday, with this vast range of two-wheelers in India people who travels to unknown places by using Google navigator in Car mode, Google suspected it through its satellite communications and finally first time in the world Google launched Two-Wheeler “Motorcycle Mode” in Google maps with some shorter distances, Shortcuts and suggesting us some parking slots also.
Well, the old Google maps are also a pretty good with various modes of transportation suggestions like if we have any transportation facility but don’t know the route map in this cases we can just switch to car mode and easily can navigate to our preferred location and in some cases we don’t have a vehicle but we need to travel somewhere for this type of situations we have the modes like Bus, you can have a look at about image shows you the modes of transportation suggestions various Bus numbers with times and in the next shot if we are about to go by cab, here we have an option for cabs too where Uber, Ola, Meru etc different cab vendors will show us nearest cabs to book and go.
This “Motorcycle Mode” is launched only India and the update is scheduled in phases so try updating the app for Two-Wheeler Mode.
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