Here’s How To Prepare Malai Kulfi At Home


Malai Kulfi is the Indian version of ice cream. Summer lo idhi best dessert to eat. Tasty eh kaakunda kulfi is healthy as kulfi lo anni ingredients natural utayi inka. Here is a quick and easy homemade kulfi recipe.


Whole milkWhole milkCondensed milkCondensed milkDry milk powderDry milk powder

Sugar Ground cardamomSugar Ground cardamom

Saffron threads
Saffron threadsChopped pistaChopped pista


Vessel lo whole milk, condensed milk inka dry milk powder esi stir cheyandi. Let it boil.
Ee boiling milk lo sugar, cardamom inka saffron eyandi.
Stove heat ni low ki reduce chesi 10 mins ki okkasari kalapandi
Stove painunchi theesi cool avvanivandi. Tharavaatha indhlo chopped pistas eyandi.
Ee mixture ni stick ice cream mould lo vesi freeze aye varaku freezer lo pettandi. (minimum 1 hr).