If there is one person who can do a meaningful film all by himself, the first name to come to anyone’s mind will be Kamal Haasan. An actor from the age of four, now knows in and out of this beautiful art of expression. One can bet on the versatility of Kamal, not only with the different characters he has portrayed but excelled in it too. He has not done his job just by acting as needed, there have been multiple times where he has gone way beyond whats needed and dedicated much more than what one can think of doing for the character. From getting a 9 hour make-up done during his sleep to burying half of his legs into the ground for a few needed angles and emoting equally in all situations made us feel as if those characters are made exclusively for him.
His whole life is a library of cinema. In fact in true sense, cinema is truly what this legend lives and breaths on. He was never carried away with fame or popularity, his only motive was to get better and better with cinema and provide us, audience a treat for our eyes with his imagination. Here are some snippets which tell you why he is possibly the coolest actor and will remain so.
Team Wirally wishes the ‘Ulaganayagan’ many many more happy returns. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Image Design : Vijay