Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms

Dark is beautiful, we agree but when it is dark under the eyes which are known as under-eye dark circles, and when it is dark in the armpits it looks ugly. In fact, it can also be very embarrassing to have dark underarms. Even if you dare to wear a sleeveless dress, you cannot even think of raising your hands and flaunting your underarms. Many people tend to commit a lot of mistakes which make their underarms even darker. Why going through all those difficulties when you have these simple and easy home remedies to lighten your dark underarms, inner thighs.

Home Remedies

Aloe Vera:

Dark Underarms

Aloe Vera has many medicinal values that can resolve our issues. And this can also be used for treating our underarms that are dark and ugly. All you need to do is just extract the aloe juice from the leaf of the aloe plant and then apply a thin coat of the gel on your underarms and let it sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse it off with water. It is advised to use the fresh aloe juice from an aloe plant, however you can also choose to use any organic aloe juice if you don’t find fresh aloe vera.


Dark Underarms

Potatoes have natural bleaching properties which will be helpful in treating our dark underarm. And these are perfect for treating our sensitive skin. All you have to do is just cut the potatoes into thin slices after peeling off the skin and then take the slice and rub it on to your underarms for few minutes, then rinse it off with water, repeat this for at least thrice a week.

Orange Peels Powder

Dark Underarms

The orange peels work as a natural scrub for your underarms. The oranges have bleaching properties, so they do wonders to your darker underarms. Dry the orange peels in the shade for a few days, then make them into a powder and add some milk and rose water and make it into a thick paste. Apply it on to your underarms and scrub it gently for about 5 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.


Dark Underarms

Turmeric even has many medicinal values and is considered as the best antibiotic in the kitchen that is used in emergencies. Turmeric will even be useful for you in getting rid of the darkness in your underarms. You just have to make a paste by mixing turmeric, honey and milk in equal quantities and then apply a coat of the paste on your underarms, then leave it to sit for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with fresh water.


Dark Underarms

Lemon acts as a bleaching agent and we all might be aware of this fact. All you need to do is just cut the lemon into slices and then take the half slice, rub it against your dark, discolored skin parts for about 15 minutes, then wash it off using fresh water and then pat dry. Then after pat drying your skin, you can also try applying a thin layer of olive skin.

Try out these simple yet easy to try remedies and flaunt your underarms without any discomfort or insecurity.

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