Girls ki thana guy nunchi few expectations untay. He doesn’t really have to do a lot and spend of a lot of money in the form of gifts; this is definitely not with many girls. They, only, would love to hear certain things with love.
1. Unlike what we really think, “I Love You” very rarely and when the situation is the most suitable, will make girls feel pleasant and happy!
2. “Don’t worry, I am there for you!” This one dialogue when she feels low, will make her sadness go away.
3. Do not always measure them with beauty. They got heaps of talent in other things too.
4. When she always cooks for you, make sure you surprise her when is tired by a dish you cook. She will not judge it by taste. Ela una super happy aipothadi.
5. No matter how many girls were there in your past, let her know that she will be the last.
6. When you put forth your opinion, also look at her and give her space to talk her mind out.
7. Make sure you are her best friend. Friendship can keep every relation alive!
8. Tell her honestly whatever you feel. She will understand and trust you, always.
9. Let her explore your entire world. She will feel special.
10. Little times, tell her that she looks great when you actually want to tell it. She gets dressed up to make you feel happy.