6 Ways You Can Boost Your Mood With Food

As humans, we’re made to experience a rainbow of emotions. And feeling sad is one of them. But it turns out, what you eat can have a massive impact on your mood. Making a few simple changes to your diet can make a difference for your mental health. Discover the stunning power of mood-boosting foods and nutrients. Let’s take a look at some foods which help in boosting mood

Dark Leafy Greens

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Dark leafy greens carry a wide variety of nutrients with them, they also contain fiber which balances blood sugar, Vitamin B present in fiber boosts brain function and iron in your body, research has shown that iron deficiency is related to emotional behavior and anxiety, eating leafy greens gives us energy which may help us feel positive.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, and they are full of additional nutrients like protein, fiber, calcium, and iron. This mood-boosting food is also a good source of magnesium, nature’s relaxant mineral, and it can help reduce stress and anxiety.

AvocadoUntitled design (34)

Avocados are incredible to boost mood, they are full of Vitamin B, fiber, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. They also contain Vitamin B5, which helps synthesize neurotransmitters and supports the adrenal glands. All of these nutrients make you feel better and positive.

AlmondsUntitled design (38)

For the longest time, almonds have been linked to brain health, this mood-boosting food is great for you as it is full of protein, magnesium and Vitamin E, it reduces the radical damage in the brain and improves memory and mood of the consumer.

ChocolateUntitled design (40)

Hearing about this food only makes people happy, yes chocolate does help in boosting mood, as it contains a number of potent compounds which improve mood and cognition, plus it’s a rich source of antioxidants, iron, and magnesium to help us relax, just eat them mindfully and in limited quantities.

GheeUntitled design (41)

Ghee contains a number of nutritious fats and Vitamin D, plus it helps to heal the digestive tract, which can lead to better digestion and the beneficial gut bacteria that supports our mood.

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