7 Clever and Sneaky Tricks Restaurants Use To Get You To Spend More Money

Ever ended up spending more at a restaurant than you intended to? Well, this happens to all of us, and there are some clever tricks behind this used by restaurants to get people to spend more money. You might not notice them, but if you pay a little attention, you’ll see a pattern to them, let’s look at some of the sneaky tricks restaurants use to get you to spend more money:-

Foreign names look more appealing

People always assume that foreign foods and names are fancy, these words fit better in the menu and sound posh, and you automatically assume that it must be high quality.

Expensive dishes at the top

Many Restaurants put their expensive dishes at the top, this is because they are the first things that you look at, and when you look at them and then look at other dishes, the other dishes look cheaper and they seem like a better deal, so you’ll end up thinking that you are saving money.

Lengthy food titles with descriptions

In many fancy restaurants, the titles are lengthy and they have a description of the dish, they mention specifics like steamed chicken mixed in red wine, with tossed vegetables on the side like mushrooms and broccoli. It adds value to the food item and makes you think you’re getting more food.

Vibrant Colors

Colors play a huge role when it comes to food, they make the food exciting and appealing. This applies to both the food and the menu, you’re much likely to order a dish if it looks pretty.

Fancy Menu

Research has found that a fancy menu tricks your brain into thinking that you are having a high-quality meal at a high-quality restaurant. So the next time you see a fancy menu that looks amazing, you know what’s up.

The Font Used

Fonts are pretty important when it comes to food menus, fonts can form opinions inside your brain, Italian font makes you think that the food is extra fancy.

Getting Rid of Dirty Dishes

Waiters are quick to get rid of empty or dirty dishes from your table because this way the customers won’t know how much they’ve eaten, and they won’t know how much they have ordered. If the empty plates and bowls were around, they’d order less food.


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