11 Types Of Teachers We All Had In Our School

When we are in school, our biggest problem is with a few teachers and another set of teachers also form the motivational persons in our lives. No matter what kind of teachers we meet, they are the most memorable days of our lives.

1. The no-teaching:

11 Types Of Teachers

This teacher comes to class, wastes her time, asks us to read our textbooks and goes off!

2. The ‘Kotte’:

11 Types Of Teachers

Prati problem ki solution is only kottadam. Kotti kotti champestundi manalni

3. The Joyful:

11 Types Of Teachers

School mothaniki she is the favorite. Andaritho chaala sweet ga untaru. Students ki kuda lessons ni enjoy chestu cheptharu.

4. The Most Experienced:

11 Types Of Teachers

school this person is into this business since ages and her experience and discipline factors mundu manam paniki raamu.

5. The Very Strict:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-very-strict-teacherTanani chusi prati student vaniki potharu. Class lo talking, book marchipovadam, homework cheyyakapovadam, no matter what the mistake is…..death is the only punishment.

6. The Crazy Sports:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-crazy-sports-teacher she or he is definitely a fitness and sports freak. And sport routines complete cheyakapothe, we are dead!

7. The Overdressed:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-overdressed-teacher she is too much dressed for teaching at a school. Tana handbag lo enni cosmetics untay ante that we have to search for a simple pen.

8. The Funny:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-funny-teacher she or he cracks the funniest jokes and vaalla class time aithe, we are so excited.

9. The Philosophical:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-philosophical-teacherTheir philosophies are out of the earth. Asal total pointless untay. 7th standard will be treated like an IAS exam!

10. The Screaming:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-screaming-teacher she cannot talk. She can only shout. Simple things cheppaniki kuda it is only shouting.

11. The Chalk Chalk:

11 Types Of Teachers

The-chalk-chalk-teacher she has so much chalk thrown to the last benches than the ones she used to write on the board.

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