5 Delicious Home Recipes With Spinach

The king of all leafy vegetables is Spinach. Spinach lo unna poshakalu verey ye green vegetables lo undavu, kani chala varaku kids inka elders ki spinach antey istam undadhu. Blad taste inka boring taste untundi ani most of us avoid this leaf. Ee leafy vegetable ni avoid cheyakunda how can we include this in our weekly diet ani anukuntunara? Simple andi regular recipes ni pakana peti konni innovative inka cooking preparation style ni change chesthey chalu you make the most delicious recipes with spinach.

1. Spinach Soup:

Recipes With spinach

Monsoon evenings mana andhariki vedi vedi ga emi anna thinali ani untundi. A time lo unhealthy junk inka oily food ni consume cheyadam avoid chesi healthy ga ee creamy spinach soup ni try cheyadi. Taste ki taste health ki health.

2. Corn and Spinach Sandwich:

Recipes With spinach

Daily breakfast menu fix cheyali antey oka pedha pani inka a regular menu lo yepudu toast, jam, bread untey inka chiraku. Regular breakfast sandwiches ni healthy ga cheskovali antey try this amazing and delicious corn and spinach sandwich.

3. Spinach Bajji:

Recipes With spinach

Mirchi bajji vimnam, brinjal bajji vini untam but spinach bajji / palakura bajji ni try chesara? Bajji is deep fried and oily but spinach bajji consumes less oil and is done just it few seconds.

4. Masala Spinach Chapathi:

Recipes With spinach

Regular ga kids chepathi inka palakura tho chesina ye curry tinali antey chala fuss chestharu, but try this masala spinach chapathi with the goodness of spinach.

5. Spinach-Basil Pesto Sauce:

Recipes With spinach

Kids ki pasta, pizza antey chala istam kani ee dishes lo chala amount calories inka fat content untundi. Kani ee simple sauce tomato sauce ni healthy spinach basil pesto sauce tho replace cheyandi.

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