6 Types Of Friends We Commonly Come Across In Our Gangs


By Aliza Virani

There is a mom, a dad, a sibling and then there are FRIENDS. These guys fit the bill of being all your family members in one person or a small group of people. Our faith in them is more than our faith put together in all Gods; our Love for them is more than our love put together for all the best food dishes from around the world.

Apart from having ‘Bachpan ke friends’ and ‘some-random-class-you-were-a-part-of ke friends you always have your GANG of friends in High School and College. Imagine, who would clear your Cafeteria Bill without them? Who would call dibs on the first puff without them? Who would give the most bizarre excuses for your absence to the Lecturer without them?

Keeping these nok-jhoks in mind, Wirally brigs to you its refreshed list of friends each School/College gang has:

The Late-Lateef Friend

The Late-Lateef Friend

By the time this friend reaches, Bhagwan Ram would have come down and given you his Darshan a plenty times and No! They won’t ever accept coming late, Never!

The Show-Stopper Friend

The Show-Stopper Friend

This is the Brand Queen of your gang! Gucci check! Tommy check! Versace check! LV check! And even if it’s not branded they make it seem like one… *Wink* *Wink*

The Arre Bhai! Maa ko pata chal gaya toh Friend

The Arre Bhai! Maa ko pata chal gaya toh Friend

No Brownie points for guessing this category! This is your ‘fattu friend’. They want to try everything but are shit scared to death not only for themselves, but for the entire gang put together.

The Mommy Friend

The Mommy Friend

Mothering is just so natural to them, that you end up feeling like their son/daughter than their friend. You run to them for solace and run away from them when you know you’ve screwed up!


The Sought-After Friend

The Sought-After Friend

This is your popular friend. Popular among classmates, among lecturers, among juniors and maybe all the non-teaching staff too; they are your go-to when you know you are in 5 stories deep shit.

The Gyaan-Guru Friend


We all have this one friend who knows everything, every answer, every solution, everything that is happening around the world! They eat one portion of Encyclopedia for dinner and one portion of Google News for Breakfast.

Does this list not cover your entire GANG! Await Part2 to see what’s in store from our end. Until then #LikeShareComment