See How These 5 Rajinikanth Mannerisms Have Perfectly Suited For Product Advertisements


By KS Reddy

RAJNIKANTH – the name itself carries a lot of vibration that is known for his unique style and dialogue delivery. And probably he is the only hero who has such a huge fan base across the world and doesn’t never promote any brand. So, we decided to place some products in few of his mannerisms and see if they fit in right.

Check it out!

Ganesh Beedi

Ganesh Beedi

Fair & Lovely MaxFairness For Men

fair lovely

MRF Tyres – Naa Dhari Raha Dhaari

MRF Tyres

Centre Fresh – Be Coool!!

center fresh

Ramraj Dhotis

Ramraj Lungis

Do you think any other mannerism of his suit a product? Please mention in the comments section below!!