6 Drinks that boost your metabolism


Losing weight ante edo dieting cheyadam and ardham avvakunda chese konni activities eh kakunda mana body lo unde natural metabolism ni boost chese foods tinadam kuda important. Deeni valla we get to lose those extra kilos. Here are a few drinks that will help improve our metabolism.

1. Green Tea1 Drinks that boost your metabolism

2. Peppermint Green Tea2 Drinks that boost your metabolism

· Add 7 cups of green tea to a jar.

· Add a handful of fresh mint leaves.

· Add a couple of lemon slices.

Place this jar in the fridge on a Sunday Night and Monday nunchi daily one glass taagali till the week closes off.

3. Strawberry smoothie (healthy)3 Drinks that boost your metabolism

This helps build the protein content in our bodies and the strawberries help boost our metabolism.
· 1/2 liter of skimmed milk

· 1 cup of strawberries

· 1/2 cup of oats

· 1 cup of light natural yogurt

· 1/4 cup of flax seeds

Make a smoothie out of all these and relish it.

4. Apple smoothie4 Drinks that boost your metabolism

Apples help remove the toxins off our body and also energize it. They also reduce the amount of fat our body cells can absorb.
· 1 cup of light natural yogurt

· 1 apple cut into pieces

· 1 tablespoon of honey

· 1/2 cup of almonds

· Cinnamon powder (pinch)

· 1/2 liter of skimmed milk

Blend all of the above and enjoy a healthy and tasty drink.

5. Chocolate Smoothie5 Drinks that boost your metabolism

Drink this an hour before your workouts which will help boost your metabolism.
· Chocolate or cocoa powder without sugar

· 1/2 liter of skimmed milk

· 1/2 cup of oats

· 1/4 cup of Thotakura Pappu (Amarath) – optional

· 1/2 tablespoon of coffee

· Some honey according to your taste

Blend all of this and sip it happily.

6. Coconut Water6 Drinks that boost your metabolism

Read : Goldspot Drink : The Story Of A Drink That Disappeared