11 Benefits of Cumin (Jilakara or Jeera)


Whatever be the dish we are making, mana food history and habits prakaram we first add some jeera before cooking any further. Chaala curries lo we make sure to add jeera powder. Water lo mix chesi or buttermilk lo mix chesi kuda teeskuntam. Inni forms lo taste ni provide chese jilakara is very healthy. Here is how…

1. They are high in antioxidants that protect us from falling sick.1 Benefits of Cumin
2. Deeniki cancer cells ni destroy chese power kuda untadi.2 Benefits of Cumin
3. Chaala medical professionals recommend using this simple thing to cure diarrhea.3 Benefits of Cumin
4. Blood lo sugar levels ni control chestundi.4 Benefits of Cumin
5. They help fight bacteria in our body.5 Benefits of Cumin
6. Body lo cholesterol levels ni taggistundi.6 Benefits of Cumin
7. Memory improve cheyyaniki help chestundi7 Benefits of Cumin
8. Regulates digestion and Cures piles8 Benefits of Cumin
9. Helps cure sleep problems9 Benefits of Cumin
10. Contributes to the iron in our body.10 Benefits of Cumin
11. Treats skin problems11 Benefits of Cumin