A Look Back At 12 Kick-Ass Answers Sunny Leone Took Head On


Sitting in a room to face a casual interview in order to promote a movie is always exciting. All glammed up and ready to have some good conversation with a leading news channel.


From nowhere you realise that you were cornered somewhere and pointed finger at just because of some past which is hypocritically considered shameful in a country like India. But, to yourself you know you are a real person with same emotion as the light boy or the cameraman who was filming you.

Same could have been Sunny Leone’s state of mind after the infamous interview with Bhupendra Cahubey a few days back.

If you happened to have a less data pack on your mobile or missed what was asked and how Sunny replied to the questions boldly, here have a look a the best of the lot.

Sunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny LeoneSunny Leone