A School in a Village With International Standards


If you are wondering where this school is, it’s right in our very own Andhra Pradesh! It is situated at Mangampet in Kadapa district. Mangampet is famous for its rich Barytes mines. Many villagers from Mangampet work in these mines and APMDC (Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation) is getting benefitted by the resources and workers there.schoolSo with a thought of ‘Giving back to Society’, APMDC came up with a noble idea of setting up a school with world-class facilities for the children of the mine workers. The literacy rate is one of the key factors that determine the development of any city. Education is the first step towards the growth of any community.

A school built in 3 acres of land and 5.5 crores expenditureschool

A 3-storey building for the school was built with a vast playground and greenery around. First preference for enrollment is given to the mine worker’s kids and later to the kids from danger zone areas nearby. This school offers primary education i.e., 1-6 classes.

Computer Labs, Libraries, Clean washrooms & distilled drinking waterschool

To impart computer education at an elementary level, computer labs are built. A good collection of informative and storybooks is made available for kids at the library.

Teaching in small groupsschoolKids are divided into 3-4 small groups and are taught. When one teacher is explaining, there will be another teacher who will help them on understanding the concept better. CC TV cameras are fixed in every classroom.

No Bags!!schoolWe all know how heavy school bags are loaded with books! To free the students from carrying such loads a locker facility is introduced where children keep their books after the class.

Facilities for Extra Curricular activitiesschool

Children here are encouraged to play sports, learn music, dance, painting etc. Training facilities for various fine arts are also present. Many of them gave achieved medals in various state/district level competitions.

Very Minimal Fee & Free School buses.7 - Bs

For the first one year of the school establishment, kids are taught for free. No fees. From next year, they have to pay a very minimum affordable fee. For the kids coming from nearby villages, free school buses are arranged.

At present 504 kids have enrolled in this school. Hope many such schools come up for the welfare of the children from villages.