Best Twitter Reactions To Virat Kohli’s Historical Innings Last Night..!!

Last night Virat Kohli produced what may well go down in the history as one of his absolute great knocks. In a high stakes game, the vice-cap never fails to impress. His 82 not out, sealed a berth for Team India to face-off West Indies in semi finals on Thursday this week. And then Twitter had some of the most interesting takes on Kohli’s epic, which further glorified the genius in him. This is what fanatics had to say :

Comedy Man Saurabh Pant :

Sir Ravindra Jadeja couldn’t leave it :

The Chemical Composition Is All :

Man Of Will And Steel :

Surgical Precision :

The Win Moment :

Perspective Is The Key : 

Believe Is A Verb :

The Change Of Age :

Relevance Much?


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