Brands became generic terms


Mahesh baabu Business man lo oka dialogue untundi “ Surya bhai is not a name… it’s a brand ani” antey thana peru brand aipovaali ani, kaani there are few brands in market avi entha famous ante aa brand perlu anni generic terms aipoyayi we have identified few brand names which became generic terms now a days check it out.

Band Aid :brandsManaku veli thegi medical shop ki velthe emani adguthaam “ anna oka band aid kaavali ani” kaani Band- Aid annadi Jhonson & Jhonson company trade mark Danni “Adhesive bandage” ani anaali kaani mana medical shops lo ala antey vaadu pai nundi kindi varaku chustaadu.

Xerox:brandsActually Manalo chaala mandiki telyika povachu telsina ekkuvaga ignore chese generic trade mark idhi. Xerox annadi oka company peru which manufacures photo copy machines. May be baddhakam vall “ Photo copy” analeka shop ki vellinapudu “anna 10 copies Xerox kaavali” ani antaam.

Google :brandsFriend 1: Arey mama ee topic gurinchi yee book best raa ?
Friend 2 : emo ra google chey naakem telusu…

Funny kada ee Madhya “internet lo vethuku” ani anakunda simple ga “google chey” ra anesthunnam. Google anedi brand ani manaku telusu but em chestaam aa brand value alaantidi.

JCB:brandsActually matti ni tavve Danni manam JCB antaam kaani daani asalu peru “Backhoe Loader/ Excavtor” JCB anedi Danni invent chesina J C Bamford Excavators Ltd valla brand name,

PhotoshopbrandsEvari picture aina manchi edit cheste generally em antaam “ em ra photoshop chesaava antaam” kaani Photoshop anedi Adobe systems trade mark.

VaselinebrandsMana lips or moham chali kaalam lo pagilinpudu mana amma em anedi “ arey Vaseline petkovachu ga” ani, actually Vaseline anedi Unilever trade mark name, kaani manam em pusukunna Vaseline yee manaku :P.

Post it7 Post itActually post it is a brand name of company named 3M, daani genric term Sticky notes kaani manam alavaatu lo porapaatu laa post it ani use chesestaam.

Escalator:brandsActually Escalator ane daanni Otis Elevator Company trade mark cheyinchindi .. Danni emanaali ante Moving Staircase (“kaduluthunna metlu” telugu lo).

Thermos:9 ThermosOka abbai than exams ki prepare avthunnadu
Amma : Rey coffee thermos lo petta chaduvutunte nidra vaste thaagu
Actualy thermos anedi brand name of Thermos, LLC Danni emani antaaru antey “Vacuum flask “ani. Actually it lost it trade mark in 1963 when it was declared as generic.

Jeep :10 JeepYess Jeep yee, Jeep anedi American Bantam Car Company ane company trade mark then alaanti vehicle ni emani anaali antey “Sport utility vehicle” ani.

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