CCTV Footage Of Kolkata FlyOver Collapase Is Chilling And Immensely Tragic..!!

At least 14 people have died and 100 are feared to be trapped after a flyover being built in Kolkata collapsed.

Firefighters and residents were trying to rescue those trapped under the wreckage of the metal and cement structure, which came down in a busy commercial district of the Indian city.

(  Helpline numbers: 1070, 033-2214-3526, 033-2253-5185, 033-2214-5664 ) 

“Monumental tragedy. Rescue ops on. Many feared dead,” Derek O’Brien, spokesman for the left-wing party that governs the state of West Bengal of which Kolkata is the capital, said in a tweet.

More than 70 injured were admitted to two hospitals in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal state, hospital officials said.

“The condition is pathetic. At this moment no one has any clue how many people are trapped,” said Raichand Mohta, a police officer at the scene.

The Indian home minister, Rajnath Singh, tweeted his concern and announced that rescue teams would be rushed to the scene.

Yet there was little sign of a coordinated rescue operation, with access for heavy lifting equipment restricted by the buildings on either side of the flyover and heavy traffic in the area.

After the tragic event took place, we have now access to CCTV footage for the Flyover collapse and it is shocking and chilling in equal parts. Here’s how it happened :

( Courtesy : 24 Ghanta )

The Aggrieved Are Requested To Please Contact This Number For Immediate Assistance 1070

Helpline numbers: 1070, 033-2214-3526, 033-2253-5185, 033-2214-5664

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