Dry Days In Hyderabad 2020, Mark These Dates On Your Calendar

Alcohol lovers in house, this lit is especially for you guy, drinking is a great way to celebrate and It’s always good to plan ahead because there can be nothing worse than making all the plans and then finding out that there’s a dry day, If there’s one thing that all daru lovers hate, it is dry day. Dry days can be a complete bummers because they tend to come when you’re least expecting them. So, we decided to help you, so that you don’t have to go through this feeling.For those of you who don’t know, dry days are those days when the sale of alcohol is not permitted either all over India or in some select states or cities.

Dry days, also called ‘no alcohol days’ generally occur in most states on days of national or religious importance such as Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti. Dry days can also be observed on election days which are particular to the specific state. There’s a minimum of one and a maximum of four dry days in a single month. We’ve made a complete list of all the dry days in Hyderabad in 2020that you’ll need to keep yourself updated about and plan your drinking parties accordingly.,Follow this list, so that you can keep in mind all the dry days and load up on your stock well in advance. Bookmark the dates on your calendar,so that you never end up changing your plans because you don’t have alcohol.

January 15th MakarSankranti


Sankranthi in 2020

January 26th  Republic Day


Republic Day in 2020

January 30th  Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary


Gandhi Death diversionary in 2020

February 18th  Swami DayanandSaraswatiJayanti


Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti

February 21st MahaShivratri


Maha Shivaratri

March 9th Holi


Holi in 2020

April 2nd  Rama Navami


Rama Navami in 2020

April 6th MahavirJayanti


Mahavir Jayanthi in 2020

May 1st  May day


May Day

May 23rd Eid-Ul-Fitr


Eid Ul Fitr in 2020

May 24th Ramzan


Ramzan in 2020

June 28th Bonalu


Bonalu in 2020

July 30th Eid al-Adha



Eid Al Adha in 2020

August 11th  Krishna Janmashtami


Krishna Janmashtami in 2020

August 15th  Independence Day


Independence Day

August 21st  Muharram


Muharram in 2020

August 22nd  Ganesh Chaturthi


Ganesh Chaturthi in 2020

October 2nd  Gandhi Jayanthi


Gandhi Jayanthi

October 15th  First Day of Bathukamma


First Day Of Bathukamma

October 24th Durga Ashtami


Durga Astami in 2020

October 25th Dussehra


Dussehra in 2020

October 28th Eid e Milad


Eid E Milad in 2020

November 13th  Diwali


Diwali in 2020 

November 30th Kartika Purnima


Karthika Pournima in 2020

December 25th  Christmas


Christamas in 2020

December 26th Boxing Day


Boxing Day in 2020

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