Here’s The List Of Top 10 Most Spoken Languages Around The World

Top 10 Languages By Number Of Native Speakers

According to the number of native speakers (mother tongue language), these are the most spoken languages in the world.

1. Chinese — 918 Million Native Speakers

2. Spanish – 480 Million Native Speakers

3. English – 379 Million Native Speakers

4. Hindi – 341 Million Native Speakers

5. Bengali – 300 Million Native Speakers

6. Portuguese – 221 Million Native Speakers

7. Russian – 154 Million Native Speakers

8. Japanese – 128 Million Native Speakers

9. Punjabi – 92.7 Million Native Speakers

10. Marathi – 83.1 Million Native Speakers

Telugu stands in 11th place with 82 Million Native Speakers.

Top 10 Languages By Total Number Of Speakers

Top 10 most spoken languages according to the total number of people who speak them (whether or not the language is their mother tongue)

1. English – 1.348 billion total speakers

2. Mandarin Chinese – 1.120 billion total speakers

3. Hindi – 600 million total speakers

4. Spanish – 543 million total speakers

5. Standard Arabic – 274 million total speakers

6. Bengali – 268 million total speakers

7. French – 267 million total speakers

8. Russian – 258 million total speakers

9. Portuguese – 258 million total speakers

10. Urdu – 230 million total speakers

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