There were days when handbags were merely considered as carrying pouches. Today the high end handbags cost thousands of dollars and are used by their owners as a medium of flaunting wealth and social status. Every woman in this world has handbags as their favorite accessory. It is a fact that you will never get tired of buying new handbags even if you have a whole collection of it. You must have bought some handbags of a few hundred dollars but are you aware of the fact that there are handbags worth of thousands and millions of dollars? Here’s a list of top 10 most expensive handbags that cost no less than a fortune.
1. Blue Crocodile Hermes Birkin Handbag – Price: 150,000 USD
The blue crocodile Hermes Birkin handbag was sold at the principal at any point Christie’s bartering that was about handbags at Mayfair in London. It was purchased by an unknown purchaser. The purse highlights white gold and eighteen karat precious stones. It is the most sumptuous and intriguing tote which is accessible in Shiny Blue Electric and unquestionably turns into a prize in the purse assortment of any lady in this world. It’s a 40 cm bag which additionally has an additional room that makes it advantageous and flexible. The inside of the bag is made with Blue Electric Chevre Leather with a slip pocket and a zip pocket.
2. Shiny Rouge H Porosus Crocodile Birkin Bag – Price: 203,000 USD
The actual name persuades how acclaimed and extraordinary this bag is for the rich individuals everywhere on the world. It is probably the priciest tote on the planet. The Hermes remarkable assortment Shiny Rouge H Porosus Crocodile 30 cm Birkin Bag highlights eighteen karat white gold with jewel equipment. It was sold quite a while prior as the most costly handbag at a public closeout in Heritage barters in Dallas, Texas. An unknown collector won the offering and purchased the pack.
3. Fuchsia Diamond Studded Hermes Birkin – Price: 222,000 USD
Hermes Birkin bags appear to be in its very own rivalry, as it figures out how to beat its own records for priciest handbags sold. As the name proposes this handbag comes in fuchsia tone and highlights eye getting eighteen karat white gold and jewels. It was sold for 1.72 million Hong Kong Dollars during a Christie’s bartering in Hong Kong in 2015.
4. Chanel Diamond Forever Handbag – Price: 261,000 USD
This handbag by in all honesty Chanel is made of fine crocodile calfskin and highlights 334 jewels that weigh 3.56 karats in white gold. Chanel’s Diamond Forever handbag looks basic and exquisite, with its notable Chanel logo sticking out. The handbag looks basic and rich which accompanies an eighteen karat gold chain that can be utilized as a tie and is separable. The way that amounts to its worth is the way that lone thirteen bits of this handbag were at any point made.
5. Niloticus Crocodile Himalaya Birkin – Price: 379,000 USD
Himalaya Birkin Bags are made out of melodicas crocodiles and its perishing interaction takes extremely long which is done to ease up the shade of the material. The purse’s plan inspires pictures of the Himalayan mountains including the rich earthy colored tones that depict the mountains and white shadings depicting the mists and snow-covered tops. The latest melodicas crocodile Himalaya Birkin Handbag was sold during a closeout at Christie’s in Hong Kong, where it brought 379,000 USD. It highlighted more than 240 precious stones that were encrusted on its eighteen karat gold shell.
6. Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch – Price: 400,000 USD
The Cleopatra purse by Lana Marks costs between 100,000 United States dollars and 400,000 and is a top pick among high-profile famous people. The way that amounts to its value is the way that a solitary piece of this purse is delivered every year that accompanies new shading and plan. The most costly among the purses is claimed by the Chinese entertainer and artist Li Bingbing. The purse that the superstar claims highlights 1,600 white precious stones that add up to forty karats to coordinate with her outfit. To compose Li Bingbing’s name, pink jewels and pink gold were utilized.
7. Hermes Chaine d’Ancre Bag – Price: 1.4 Million USD
Including a prison like plan the Hermes Chaine d’Ancre bag has its anchor-formed chain joins encrusted with one thousand one hundred and sixty bits of precious stones. The exorbitant cost can be ascribed not exclusively to its costly materials yet in addition for being a Pierre Hardy-planned collectible as just three of these were made.
8. Hermes Birkin Bag By Ginza Tanaka – Price: 1.4 Million USD
Hermes Birkin Bag has been planned by the Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka and accompanies separable parts that can likewise be worn by one to accessorize themselves. It is comprised of platinum and highlights 2,000 jewels on its external shell alongside a pear-formed eight-karat stone as a focal point that can be disconnected and utilized as a clasp. You can separate the jewel sling so it very well may be worn as an accessory and furthermore as a wristband on your trips on the off chance that you have failed to remember one.
9. Hermes Kelly Rose Gold – Price: 2 Million USD
The extravagance brand of Hermes worked together with diamond setter Pierre Hardy to make this special tote. It is comprised of strong rose gold and created to look like crocodile calfskin. The little lavish and staggering bag highlights one hundred and sixty jewels. The way that amounts to its value is that the bag required 2 years to be made and just 12 of these were made. In spite of the fact that the capacity isn’t just about as large as its expense however assuming you own this sack, you needn’t bother with additional accessories to wear on your trips.
10. Mouawad 1001 Night’s Diamond Purse – Price: 3.8 Million USD
This reality is absolutely evident that Mouawad simply knows the path to a lady’s heart. The 11 million USD bra was only the beginning, as this purse is an unheard-of level. Mouawad 1001 Night’s Diamond Purse is at present the most costly satchel on the planet and stands firm on the foothold in Guinness world record since 2011. The hand-tailored pack is comprised of eighteen karat gold and highlights 105 yellow precious stones, 56 pink jewels, and 4,356 dry precious stones. It took craftsmen 8800 hours to make this work of art, which was sold last year at Christie’s closeout see in Hong Kong.