1234 to Abcd: List of Top 10 Most Silly Passwords Used By Indians In 2022

Setting up a password is the toughest job or thing to do in our day to day lives. Setting up a mobile password, social media accounts password, bank related passwords and remembering them is not an easy task. So, most of the people especially our Indians use easy passwords like 1234, Abcd order passwords for all accounts from social media to bank accounts.

List Of Top 10 Most Silly Passwords Used By Indians In 2022 according to report by Nord Secuirty’s password manager arm NordPass

1. Password

2. 123456

3. 12345678

4. Bigbasket

5. 123456789

6. pass@123

7. 1234567890

8. Anmol123

9. Abcd1234

10. googledummy

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