Apple in a move to attract a higher user base in India, especially Indian corporates, is offering the latest iPhone SE at an attractive offer of leasing the phone for Rs 999 a month for two years.
The Jobs inspired smartphone maker has also offered its existing phones — iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S — on similar leasing plans for two years at Rs 1,199 and Rs 1,399 a month, respectively.
The offer advertised through mainstream print media on Tuesday is aimed at getting more enterprises to use Apple devices, as the company has also introduced the offer on all iPad models. Corporate users can, at anytime, move from one iPhone to another, and pay the change in monthly fee as per the model.
Apple has had this model running in India for over a year, but the company appears to be driving it this time around.
Corporate users can, at anytime, move from one iPhone to another, and pay the change in monthly fee as per the model. Apple has had this model running in India for over a year, but the company appears to be driving it this time around.
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