Home Buzz The Wonderful World Of Visual Effects..Some of the Finest!!

The Wonderful World Of Visual Effects..Some of the Finest!!


Remember ET? or Jurassic Park? or Inception ? or Gravity ? what do these worldwide blockbusters have in common. A highly detailed and richly textured visual effects, which apart from bringing the awe of new worldly dimensions and incredible possibilities, further the storytelling techniques to beyond human incredibility. The following are some very few examples of how film makers try to quantify their vision and create something spectacular from behind the computer screens


AVATAR 2009-World of Visual Effects

Tron : Legacy 2010

Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes 2011

Life Of Pi 2012

Avengers 2012

Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey 2012

Prometheus 2012

Wolverine 2013

RoboCop 2014 

Maleficent 2014

300:Rise Of An Empire 2014

Godzilla 2014

The Martian 2015

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