Weekend Satakam : Sathhi Gaadi Satakam

Sumathi Satakam has always been taught to us by our parents and teachers in order to conduct righteously and to induce some social values into us. A Satakam usually conveys some moral about how one should behave and abide by himself or herself.

These were written in a time when the social behaviour was stable and when the societal issues like male chauvinism, casteism etc were still predominant. They were the reflection of the society and not of the author. If you keep these thoughts aside and open yourself to understanding the political behaviour and liberal tradition of particular sections back then, the Satakam can actually educate you big time.

The Sumatee Satakam is also one of the earliest Telugu works to be translated into European languages. Sri Riasat Ali Taj (1930-1999) a prominent personality from Karimnagar has made poetic translations (Manzoom Tarjuma in Urdu Rubaiyaat) published in popular Urdu magazines and news papers in early 1950s.

These days none of us would want to be preached on anything. We are our own bosses. Fine! But, the reason our education system has adopted these Satakam is for the betterment in our personal life and to be smart enough to sustain ourselves. Since literature is changing every day, those phrases might not be that interesting in our day-to-day lives now. Without preaching, here we are trying to bring the best of the much forgotten Sumathi Satakam in an even more understandable way. Nachithe Sathanna ki o OO esukondi.. 

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