Youngistaan Foundation : Making A Difference In Society With Their Deeds

With their sole agenda defined in just two words, ‘Transform Lives’, this Youngistan Foundation group from Hyderabad has been voluntarily doing their bit to make a difference in many lives.

The Youngistaan Foundation has received the ‘Manthan Award’ from across 416 nominations and 36 countries. It was formed in 2012, where a group of volunteers came forward together to help the needy and transform their lives showing them a path to lead some successful lives.

1529812_705885919466370_2906645530767764770_oThey operate in four categories:

1. Hunger Heroes (Food & Help Program) – It’s a program where food is cooked for people close to 800 and is distributed on the streets of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.


2. A Bright Spark Education Program – Mentoring children from various underprivileged homes, slums, government schools and help them with education, life skills, teach them creative arts such as music, etc., apart from helping them with their regular school work.

10580778_709864145735214_8260171122807121088_o3. Transformers (Rescue Program) – This one is an exciting one. People on the streets who are not in good state physically and mentally are identified. This project focuses on homeless people by giving them Physical Transformation – Shower/Clean up, Hair Cut, Shave,Better Hygiene, Better Clothes, Medical Attention. Mental Transformation – Emotional Counselling, Self Worth realization, Livelihood (means of securing the basic necessities of life – food, water, shelter and clothing), Employment. Specific Drives like Medical,Clothing, Blankets/Caps (Seasonal necessities).

10580778_709864145735214_8260171122807121088_o4. Women of Courage – This includes working with women in slums, teaching them skills that can help them to earn a living. Working with girls in government schools and mentoring them. Work with the local police helping them to fight eve-teasing.

10531397_705886042799691_8661321506319659599_oSince the organisation is completely volunteer based, they are always open to welcoming people to join them on board. You can always join them here.


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