Did You Actually Know This Awesome Comic Strip….Teenage, the Zits way..!!

By Vaidehi Rawool 

In the entire lifetime of an average human being, the time period from 13-19 yearsis considered to be the best, also popularly known as the golden years. Teenage is when people tend to have the time of their lives, this is an age of becoming, of discovery of re-visiting the realities and mostly of finding out the true meaning of one’s existence. All said and done, every person who’s been a teenager once has thought of that period with heartening nostalgia for it was filled with adventures and explorations.

Tonnes and tonnes of people have found their calling at this age, so many of teenagers have shot to fame in the most magnificent of ways. For each one of us this time is the most cherished and memorable. But it should be commonly accepted that being a teenager in today’s day and age is most definitely the best thing ever.

Today’s teenagers have access to everything and anything under the sun at the click of a button. The age is of social media and it’s the rule of the uber-nerds with everything smart, intelligent and witty in vogue. But for a run of the mill teenager even today, the belief stays that this is their time. One of the notorious upsides of today’s age is the fact that teenagers have come to believe that they are ahead of everyone and time itself.

They believe in living in the moment, set really high goals for themselves, are routinely ambitious and most importantly, give extreme importance to the internet. A common teenager will look down upon his parents trying to figure social media networking sites with scorn deeming them as old school. More than anything the teenagers of today have what is called, “ the fear of missing out” which is why they constantly try to remain up to date with everything happening around them, then may it be gadgets or global news.

This very essence of the so called modern teenage is aptly caught by the comic strip called “Zits”, this is a story of a 16 year old high school sophomore, Jeremy Duncan. Written by cartoonist Jerry Scott and illustrated by Jim Borgman, this comic strip is full of inconsequential yet paramount nuances of the teenage life. This witty comic strip always sheds a lot of light on how a teenager ought to live his/her life through the protagonist, Jeremy.

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The comic strip offers very valuable advice as to how a teenager should behave especially with his parents. It is more than just safe enough to call it Guide to Teenagers 101.


  • Jeremy, just like all the other teenagers has to go through the vagaries of school life, yet has to knack to wade through certain sticky situations all thanks to his wit.


  • He is also no stranger to the tonnes and tonnes of homework that every teenager has to deal with, We all need to think of ourselves as the armour-clad knights ready to slay the mighty homework dragon.


  • Being punctual is Jeremy’s forte, although one must never delve deeper into the mysteries of how a teenager reaches school every morning on time.


  • Teenage, a time of appearance and putting your best dressed foot forward can sometimes be interpreted contradictorily by girls and boys. While girls deal with mathematical algorithms to find the best outfit, boys can make anything work.


  • Just like Jeremy every other teenager believes that for one to deliver their masterpiece, the right kind of creativity and inspiration must strike. Especially when the masterpiece is due not until the next day.


  • The biggest complaint of every teenager’s parent: closed off and not communicative enough. Although the various social media accounts of all the teenagers speak otherwise.




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